About Yoga
“Yoga is not just about going to a 90 min class.
It’s a constant practice and internal journey through life,
to become one with yourself.” – Madeleine Uggla

The word yoga means “union”, referring to combining your mind with the physical body. You are practicing it to calm your mind, by holding a present focus and release any limitations in the body.

Yoga can be practiced in different ways, ranging from a physical flow yoga with music to a sedentary breathing exercise in silence. An important factor in practice is the breathing, which allows the body to heal by a more energetic respiration. It’s said, according to Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras, the eightfold path are eight steps that basically act as guidelines on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life.

The Eight Limps of Yoga


Yama – Moral codes (5)
Ahimsa – non-violence

Satya – truthfulness

Asteya – non-stealing

Bramashayra – sexual restraint

Aparigraha – non-possessiveness
Niyama – Personal behavior (5)

Saucha – purity

Santocha – contentment

Tapas – dicipline

Svadyaya – self-study / spiritual studies

Ishvara Pranidanha – surrender to universe / god

Asana – Yoga postures, it referred to mastering the body to sit still for meditation
Pranayama – Breahting techniques

Pratyahara – Withdrawal of the senses

Dharana – Concentration

Dhyana – Practive of meditation

Samadhi – Merging with the divine